Saturday, April 10, 2010

Running uCOS-II and uC/GUI on Mini STM32 (ARM Cortex M3)

Development Environment

I decided to test the two gifts, I earlier had from micro4you. These gifts were a Mini STM32 board and a Colink ARM USB JTAG. In addition, I use RVMDK4 as a cross compiler. In order to run this demo successfully, you should have a full version of this tool.

Installing Colink Driver

1. Go to

2. Follow the installation guide matching your OS

3. Or go to to install the driver directly

Installing Colink ARM USB for RVMDK

1. Go to

2. Click on "Download Colink for MDK"

3. Save CooCox_Colink_MDK_Plugin_V1.81_Setup.exe to your PC

4. Run CooCox_Colink_MDK_Plugin_V1.81_Setup.exe and follow the installation. Install the plug-in in the same directory where Keil (RVMDK) is installed.

For screenshots for step 4, you can refer to

Testing the Application Using Colink

1. Open your project using RVMDK. The project contains uC/GUI demo application, uC/GUI ported to my TFT LCD, and uCOS-II ported to my board.

2. Build the target

3. Configure that target options to use the Colink for debugging and flash programming

For screenshots for step 3, you can refer to

4. Make sure that the flash settings are STM32F10x On-Chip Flash 128K and the download function is Erase Sectors

5. Connect the board to its USB power cable and Colink ARM USB JTAG

6. Download the compiled program to the flash

7. Run the demo

Repeat steps from 2 to 7 with different configurations. To change demos running:

1. Open GUIDEMO.c

2. For the variable _apfTest, just comment the demos you want to stop and uncomment the demos you want run

3. Save the file

4. Repeat steps from 2 to 7

Next Steps

1. Run every possible demo of uC/GUI on the board

2. Use Arabic fonts with Arabic orientation for the complete demo finished above


  1. As Salam O Alaykum / Hi
    Can you help me on STM32 and KIEL and UC GUI and uC OS.

    I have STM32 - demo are working - how i can make and later code.

    Please repl your SKYPE or FB

    I am [lailajamil] on Skype and ATHAR KALUDI on FB .


